As you begin to detoxify years of toxin build-up, optimize your nutrition, support the efficient function of your organ systems, and heal psychological traumas, positive changes begin to happen within your body.
The Ideal Reaction
The ideal reaction is the gradual development of an increased sense of well-being. At first you will notice you do not tire so easily. You will have more sustained energy during the day, and you will not become tired so early in the evening. Next, you may find you are more alert in the mornings. As your sense of well-being increases, you may begin to feel more emotionally and psychologically secure. Little things do not bother you as they once did. Your old patterns will begin to change from grumpy ones to happy ones.
Healing Reactions
However, in a significant minority, a number of uncomfortable reactions may occur as you begin to physiologically balance your body chemistry and revitalize your immune system through the support of cellular communication. It is not easy for your body to adjust overnight to a long history of inappropriate or inadequate diet. The longer the deficiencies have existed, the more prevalent the response is likely to be. Healing reactions that may occur can include: fever, rash, hives, gas, running nose, headaches, insomnia, thirst, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, fever blisters, dry mouth, canker sores, constipation, dizziness, nervousness, and various body aches and pains in joints and muscles. When these reactions occur, you can be assured your body is making positive changes toward an improved state of health. If you recognize these as a healing crisis, it will be easier to accept them as steps on the road to better health. These conditions are a small price to pay for long-lasting benefits.
Reasons for Reactions - Immune Response
When your body is exposed to long periods of emotional, physical, and environmental stress (heavy metal, petrochemical, or pharmaceutical exposures) combined with an inappropriate diet, your natural defense system can become compromised and less efficient. When the immune system “wakes up”, the reactions can come in the form of flu-like symptoms.
Toxic Dump
The human body has an amazing cleansing system for eliminating toxins that accumulate in the body. This system can also become inefficient and allow toxins to build up and be stored in body fat, cysts, tumors, polyps, and skin tags, rather than be eliminated. Once this natural cleansing system begins to work more efficiently, reactions can occur. These reactions result from the stored up toxins being released faster than the liver, kidneys, skin and lungs can remove them from the body. These reactions can include loss of appetite, cause, headaches, and swelling in various lymph glands throughout the body.
Allergic-type reactions
Allergic-type reactions can be caused when the hydrochloric acid in the stomach is deficient and/or when the liver and adrenal glands are in a state of dysfunction or extreme exhaustion. An allergic-type reaction can include skin rashes and shortness of breath.
Recommendations of Dr. Fong of Cleanbody : What To Do If You Have a Healing Crisis:
1. Attempt to drink at least half your weight in ounces of water per day. This will help flush out toxins and contribute greatly to the natural cleansing of the kidneys.
2. Increase your intake of raw, fresh fruits, vegetables, and fiber. This can help accelerate the removal of toxins of any type.
3. Include an activity component in your daily routine. Briskly walking for 15 minutes is a good place to start. Aerobic exercise is another good way to support detoxification.
4. If the reaction is too strong for you to tolerate, you can reduce or even discontinue the supplements or treatments for a couple of days, and then gradually build back up to the recommended amounts. This routine may need to be repeated, depending upon the depleted condition of your body and the amount of repair needed at the cellular level.
5. Detox Supplements to Take:
a. Take Activated Charcoal up to three times daily on an empty stomach for three days, as needed for detox symptoms, especially headaches, nausea, bloating, and diarrhea symptoms. Please note, stools may look black while you are taking this supplement. You can purchase this at our office or at your local natural grocery.
b. Take the homeopathic remedy, Nux Vomica 30c. Take 3 pellets under the tongue, 15 minutes away from food, every 1-4 hours as needed for detox symptoms, especially those that resemble “hangover” symptoms.
6. Detox Treatments to Support Release of Toxins:
a. Schedule a colon hydrotherapy treatment to clear the toxins from your bowels.
b. Schedule a lymphatic drainage treatment to clear the toxins from your lymphatic system.
c. Schedule an Ionic foot cleanse to clear toxins gently through your feet (for sensitive individuals or children).
d. Schedule a nutritional IV to support detoxification pathways in the body and support increased release of the toxins causing your healing crisis.
e. Schedule an IR sauna session to clear the toxins through sweating.
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2769 El Camino Real, Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 594-6704
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